Welcome to the Person/Project/Planet (P3) Vision


Dennis Rivers and Dan Kimball, Co-Creators & Co-Directors


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Use CTRL+ to zoom in, CTRL- to zoom out. (Click Here for 10-page Portfolio.)


Beginning with the heart and moving
outward in widening circles,
the Person/Project/Planet (P3) attention/action map,
suggests one possible creative vision
of how to live a healing & co-evolutionary life
in a time of ecological and social breakdowns.

Here are eight actions you can take
to weave your evolving life into the
life of an evolving Planet Earth.
And eight areas of study to help you
deepen your participation
in the making of a new world.

In this Person/Project/Planet (P3) vision
the essential tasks of becoming persons
are understood as deeply similar to,
interwoven with, and a fractal
instance of, the essential tasks
of building a sustainable civilization.
This allows us to start the process
of mending the world, today,
in the circle of our own lives.
Everything is connected.

Dennis Rivers, 2021

The Person/Project/Planet (P3) Working Group is an organizational development circle of collaborators linked by the Web. Our mission is to develop and publish Creative Commons tools for transformation.

more to follow..

8/31/2021 Person/Project/Planet (P3) fractal flowchart by Dennis Rivers, Dan Kimball, and friends, with inspirations from Joanna Macy, Jane Goodall, Mahatma Gandhi, the Dalai Lama, Alan Watts, Theodore Roszak & many others. Available to everyone free of charge. Shareable, reprintable, copyable and adaptable under a Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 License. ( See CreativeCommons.org )

See related info on www.EarthLearn.net